Saturday, January 26, 2013

Happy New Year!

Wow, it's been a long time!  I'd like to say we've been way to busy to update, but not exactly...  We spent a few nice days over Christmas with my folks in South Carolina, but other than that, honestly we haven't been doing a whole lot.  Stu caught a cold about a week and a half ago which has now dropped into his chest and brought on an asthma attack and lucky me as hard as I've tried not to, I've got his cold now.  But life goes on...

Last Thursday we got our first snow storm of the year.

This was what we woke up to Friday morning...

Check out the overhang on the right side!!  Our gutters did take a little bit of a beating... 

Our front "steps".

We took a walk to the waterfall which was way up thanks to the almost 6 inches of rain in the four days before the snow hit.

Yesterday we got an ice storm (it is Winter after all!), sure are glad we didn't have to go anywhere!

The icicles didn't slow the birds down any, I even saw a couple of gold finches taking a bath in a puddle!  In 20 some degree weather, they must be of the polar bear variety! 

Yes, we still have out Christmas balls in the trees... (we still have the tree up too)

This morning we saw these cuties munching on Stu's yummy grass on the side of the house.

So since I won't let Stu out of the house, he's been painting...Everything.

The master bath, I know the color in the picture looks a little bordello(ish) but it's really a pretty dark red.

The bedroom is just about the same color, just in a satin instead of flat, which is what all the paint in the house is (was)...what were we thinking??!!

The great room, or at least one wall of it, is now "Paprika".

Again the camera just doesn't do it justice!

On to the hallway, this is what Stu is working on even as I type.  "Cashmere" will be in the hallway and the rest of the great room. Say good bye to that boring greenish color!

The kitchen will be the last room we do and I can't wait to get some color in there!