Thursday, September 26, 2013


Not sure if you can read this or not,  but I got gas for $2.99 this morning!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Creeper Trail Again

Last week we got a big group of campers together and headed back up to Virginia to do the Creeper Trail again.  There was 17 of us camping, although a few chickened out when they saw the weather Thursday morning (rightly so!).  And here we are all geared up for the rain about the start the trail.

This was the first stop, we were all pretty wet by this point.  But we were all still trying to avoid the puddles...pffft, that didn't last long!

We stopped at the Creeper Trail Cafe again for lunch and caught them just as they were going to close up, thankfully they stayed open for us.  When we were done and ready to go, it was pouring.  Needless to say it was a race to the bottom!

We were about a mile away and since my jeans were completely soaked, the bottoms started to flop around.  I told Stu I was having flashback from my childhood when my favorite bell bottoms got caught in my chain...  This happened about 2 seconds from the Bike Station...

When we finally made it back to the Bike Station, we were covered in mud!

These pictures just don't do us justice, we were covered!

Ok, this one may... Eeek, nothing worse than being cold and wet, other than cold, wet and muddy!

Jerry pressure washing Stu.

This is from the cafe right next to the Bike Station...  Too funny!

The Creeper Crew!
Most of the pictures above were taken with my new cell phone, unfortunately my camera was in the bike bag and was also cold and wet and therefore I got a foggy picture...rats!  

When we all got back to the campground, dried off and warmed up, we put together an assembly line and made a big pile of pizzas on the grill.  So yummy!  (This was Stu's master piece)

Friday night we went back to the Creeper Trail Cafe for the fish fry and bluegrass... And yes, I did get the world famous chocolate cake this time!  

The music was great, but a smaller group this time. 

Only eight of us made it to the "show"...

Jerry and Jan

Becky and Holman

A fuzzy Dan and Betty

And there we are...

Stu, caught in the act with a big bowl full of mint chocolate chip ice cream...

On our way back to the campground (about half an hour or more into the drive) we came up on an accident.  Seems there was a drunk in Damascus running from the police, side swiped a sheriff's patrol car and eventually went off the road.  Unfortunately, we were only about 15 minutes away from the campground and had turn around.  Fortunately, there was a car full of guys ahead of us nice enough to take us around and get us to the campground, an hour later.  Then of course by the time we got back to the campground the gate was closed!  Wow, what a night!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


Another project checked of the ever growing list...  Our new "dining" table is done!

This is what we started off with yesterday morning...

Stu did such a great job!  

It's made out of some walnut our friend Jerry gave us, beautiful!

The leg swivels around to double as the support for the leaf, genius.

Stu also made a new half wall to replace the back of the dinette bench, mostly so we don't keep whacking our heads on the upper cabinet!  Amazing!

And here it is with the leaf in... 

I love it!  Just right for the two of us without the leaf, and perfect for company.  He's a handy guy to have around isn't he!  

We should have the TV in hopefully by Tuesday...stay tuned!