Welcome to our casa! Our Villa Allen sign has taken a few beatings in the wind we get up here, but it's still hanging in there!
Buon Giorno Napoli! This is our front yard...
The Bay of Naples with the island of Ischia on the left.

And this is our backyard...That's the cone of Mt Vesuvius looming in the distance.
This is our new patio that was just added on a couple of months ago.
This is the eggplant section of our garden.
These are lettuce, peppers and tomatoes...
and these are the unruly zucchini and wild arugula.
Our grapes are doing great this year, we might even try our hand at a batch of vino!
We have been throwing our "kitchen" trash into these scallops since we moved in and now we have lots of voluntary veggies, potatoes, tomatoes and my favorite (which explains why we have so much of it) butternut squash!
If you look really hard you can see the starts of two sweet potatoes at the bottom of the picture. I forgot to mention they were started in a bowl in the kitchen!
More volunteers going nuts!
Our Kumquat trees in the front and squash in the back.
Stu just tilled, leveled, weeded and planted grass in these two areas, I wish I has some before pictures, wow what an improvement!!!
Another improved area, this was our puny garden last year, we have moved on to bigger and better things! Now if I can only get Stu to eat anything we grow, we'll be doing great!!
This is the wooden planter box that Stu and Santo (the landlord and dear friend) built together. We are still working on getting just the right plants for it, but so far, so good!
Another shot of the planter box, looking good!
Stu bought a couple of Tufo Stone vases last month I think they fit right in!
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