Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekend Guests

We had friends Justin and Ben in town visiting from Seattle this weekend on their way down to Sicily.

So off we went to run them around downtown Naples.  It had been raining just about everyday, so we were very fortunate and grateful to have a beautifully clear, sunny day! And after driving half way around the city, we found a parking spot...

Castle Nuovo (the New Castle)

Castel Sant' Elmo, built in the 1330's, for centuries was used as a prision.  Now it's used mostly for temporary exhibitions and cultural events.

We were on our way to the archeological site under the San Lorenzo Maggiore church when we ran into a medievil festival.

Once we got down stairs, we started to see what was left of the Macellum (market).

A street of workshops.

This building also housed the Aerarium (public treasury).

Remnants of a frescoed wall.

Articles from the museum.

 You may remember this cute little guy from such blog posts as "Weekend Activities" from July...

After lunch we sent the boys off to do another underground tour...

And we stopped for an energy boost.

We wandered into the Piazza Bellini.  This section was actually outside the city walls until the mid-16th century, when the city walls were extended.  The remains of  part of the ancient Greek walls of Neapolis were brought to light in the piazza after excavations carried out in 1954. 

A statue of the composer Vincenzo Bellini.

 A statue of San Gaetano, this piazza used to be part of the old forum.

Two pillars from the temple of Dioscures adorn the pediment of the San Paolo Maggiore Church.

A view of "Chirstmas Alley" from the terrace of the church. 

Christmas alley is so named because they mostly sell beautiful Nativity scenes and every accessory you can imagine to go with them.


Another view down Chirstmas Alley.

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