Friday, February 4, 2011

And The Work Continues....

Stu is hard at it again...  To the garage!

He's putting boards up on the walls so we can put some shelves up.

It's a mess right now, but he's doing a great job and this will be cleaned up and organized in no time!

The kitchen is finally done!  We had the last of the tiles installed and everything looks great!

In a effort to attract some wildlife, we put up a bird feeder... that was almost 2 weeks ago, and still NO BIRDS (or anything else for that matter)! 

Desperate times, desperate measures...  Yes, that's peanut butter smeared on the tree...  That was 2 days ago, and we can't even get the squirrels to come!  What the heck is going on??!!  If anyone has any suggestions, bring them on!

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