Saturday, May 12, 2012

April Update

Wow, I have been really negligent in my blogging duties!  I guess I could say that we haven't been doing anything, but that would be far from the truth.  Anyway here are a few shots I took back in April with the good intentions of posting right away...

We had a pair of titmice birds shredding our welcome mat for nesting material.

Kitty is adjusting to life in the woods just fine....ahhhhhh, the good life!

We had a nice long 3 or so week vacation planned in April, our first long trip with the motor home.  Well...  it was having some problems so we cancelled our first leg of the trip to Alabama.  The repairs took longer than we expected/hoped so we cancelled our second leg to Jacksonville, FL and just decided to drive the car down to my folks place in South Carolina, so our 3 weeks turned into 4 days.  Oh well, there will be other trips...

So, while in vising my folks, we took a sightseeing/dolphin cruise. 

The cruise left from Hilton Head Island.

Cute little harbor town, but very touristy!

There she is, the Vagabond.

Stu, ready to set sail...

It was incredibly windy, I didn't think we were going to get out, but with some fancy maneuvering we were under way.

Modest beach homes along the shore.

We did actually see quite a few dolphins, but trying to time it just right...

Forget about it!

Just managed to get little bits of the tail fin.

Heading back into the harbor.

Lunch at the Krazy Crab!

Nice parking job on my part...I must have really been hungry!

So now my folks are back in Maine to enjoy the Summer...

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