Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Myrtle Beach And More...

 We spent last weekend in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.  We were helping a friend move, so it wasn't all play, but we did get in some "sightseeing" too.

The boardwalk and mandatory Ferris wheel.

Off to Pier 14 for drinks and munchies!  Seafood, finally!

Happy clams!

Fat Man's Dream Dogs and Cream!  I love it!

Another stop for some yummy crab soup!

Here we are all tucked into the Lakewood Camping Resort.

I wasn't kidding when I said "tucked"!  We were packed in like sardines!

On a good note, the beach was just at the end of our road.

Campers as far as the eye can see...

Back at the homestead...  Our garden looks great, we've already gotten some cucumbers and the tomatoes aren't far behind!

Right before we left we saw this guy right next to the house, a pileated woodpecker.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Lincoln John Allen

Yahoooo!  Grand baby # 2 has arrived and what a cutie!  Lincoln John Allen, 8 lbs 12 oz!  Mama Mia!!

Proud Papa and sons.

 Rock Star indeed!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wow...June Already!

I can't believe it's June already!  This year is really flying by!  

There she goes....We sold our Infiniti a couple of weeks ago, finally we have a little more room in our garage, now we are down to only 4 cars...crazy!

On the road again!  We headed out yesterday for Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville, SC.  It's about 2 hours from home.  Ahhhh, we are AWAY!  

 The weather is beautiful and the campground is really nice.

Our friends Jerry and Sylvia are just down the road a couple of sites away.

 And there we are, trying to get into relax mode...

I think it might be working...