Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wow...June Already!

I can't believe it's June already!  This year is really flying by!  

There she goes....We sold our Infiniti a couple of weeks ago, finally we have a little more room in our garage, now we are down to only 4 cars...crazy!

On the road again!  We headed out yesterday for Paris Mountain State Park in Greenville, SC.  It's about 2 hours from home.  Ahhhh, we are AWAY!  

 The weather is beautiful and the campground is really nice.

Our friends Jerry and Sylvia are just down the road a couple of sites away.

 And there we are, trying to get into relax mode...

I think it might be working...

1 comment:

  1. Ciaooooooooo!! Looks like a lot of fune there! Any plans for your birthday? Tell Stu that dad sends him millions of blessings every time he gets to use the triller. I miss you, and if you want your green Irish cup HAVE to come get it!!!!! Love, love, love, Angela.
