We started our Wednesday off at the Jamestown Settlement Museum. We were so anxious to get going we were the first one's there!
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in the New World. In 1607, 104 men arrived in Jamestown in search of riches...
Here we are in the Powhatan Indian Village, we were told that they would dance around these posts. There were no volunteers though.
These huts are made of a frame of saplings and covered with mats of woven grasses.
Doesn't look too bad.
Inside the fort, which was built in 19 days!
This was said to be a high ranking officer's quarters...

Not too shabby!
Considering this is where everyone else lived.
A musket demonstration.
This is one of the reed roofs, look at the the thickness!
Two of the three ships in the distance.
One of the Indian canoes, a large tree was burned, down at the base then the center burned out and then shaped by fire. Pretty ingenious for the time!
This is the Susan Constant, the biggest of the two ships.

The Godspeed
The Discovery, the smaller of the three, was meant to be left for the colonists to use.
There we are aboard the Susan Constant, what a beautiful day!
Below the deck.
How would you like to spend 4 months at sea down here with 54 of your closest "friends"? This is a bed... sleeping on supplies.
Back on deck.
From the "Poop Deck", you figure it out...
Yorktown Victory Center
Although the 13 American colonies declared their independence from England on July 4, 1776, their dream of freedom from King George III came to fruition here at Yorktown in October 1781, when General George Washington and his French allies won the last major battle on the American Revolution.
Inside one of the homes.
Looks pretty comfy, short, but comfy!
Hanging out with George checking out the constitution.
Inside the museum, I snapped off a few before we heard the "no picture taking" announcement.
There may be something to this!
Outside to the encampment area for a cannon demonstration.
Getting ready...
Check it out!
On to the surgeon's tent, perfect for Halloween, talk about scary!
So, we only got to the Jamestown Settlement Museum and the Yorktown Victory Center. We missed Historic Jamestown and Historic Yorktown and the Battlefield, maybe next time. On to Colonial Williamsburg tomorrow!
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