Tuesday, March 26, 2013

So Sad....

Sadly, we left Tampa this morning.  If we hadn't had three other campgrounds line up already we would have stayed.  Next year we will be here longer!

Our last night and our last Groupon...the Vizcaya Restaurante and Tapas Bar, if you are even close to Tampa you have to go!  The food was amazing! 

As was the sangria!

We pulled into the Grassy Pond Recreation Area this afternoon.  It is just south of Valdosta, GA and about a 4ish hour drive.  

Community fire pit, with cut wood stacked and ready to go.

The new shower house/laundry and community center, it will be opening soon.

Spanish moss everywhere! 

As the name suggests, it's right on a big pond.

A little chilly today, but enjoying the sun!

Stu being silly...as usual!

They have fishing and boat rentals.

And of course ducks...

Only here for one night, tomorrow we are off to Robins Air Force Base just outside of Macon, GA.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Sox Do It Again...

Lose that is!  They lost to the Toronto Blue Jays today, 1-0.  We were hearing that the game was sold out as we were standing in line at the box office, but had no problem getting tickets.  We still haven't decided if that was a good thing or not...

How about that??!!

Another beautiful day, sunny this time but we were prepared.

It did start to cloud up and we did get some sprinkles on the way home.  So far we have gotten pretty lucky with the weather!

Brock Holt, 2nd base, at bat...uneventful.

Drew Sutton, 3rd base...the same.

The Toronto Blue Jay.

Here he is working the crowd. 

After the game we headed down to Ybor City, a historic section of Tampa for dinner. If you all haven't used Groupon, Living Social or Half off depot yet, you have to check it out! We have gotten some really great deals on dining and have been to some really cool areas of town that we probably wouldn't have seen otherwise.  Not to mention some really awesome food! 

We are taking tomorrow off from baseball to switch to NCAA Basketball and do a little shopping.

So as I was finishing this post up yesterday, talking about how lucky we've been with the weather.  Well, a thunderstorm came through and we lost power for a couple of hours, which is why I'm posting late...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Stupid Yankees...

Off to watch the Yankees and the Red Sox....  Oh why do I do it!  If you didn't watch the game, and I don't blame you if you didn't, they lost.  Yankees 4, Red Sox 0.

We had rain predicted starting at two (the game started at one), but again it held off.  Actually it just started to rain (it's 6:30 pm), so a cloudy day at the ball field.  

Which is a good thing considering we are both sheet white, we would probably be very lobster-like right now!

John Kruk

Orel Hershiser

Warming up for the commentary.

Buster Olney interviewing Jackie Bradley Jr. (I think).

Kevin Youkilis warming up.

Jose Iglesias warming up.

We had great seats, right behind the Red Sox dugout.

Pitching for the Red Sox, Felix Doubront.

No mistaking that stance... "Youk" at bat.

Yankees pitcher Joba Chamberlain.

In action...

Right next to Steinbrenner field...  Home of the Buccaners.

Back at "home", another walk around, with camera this time....

They have their own marina, boat rentals and charters. 

The Sea Scapes club at the end of the boardwalk.

A beautiful beach, even without sun.

Toes in the sand...

The tiki bar at the club.

We just may have to come back here next year! 

Tomorrow we are planning to go back to see the Yankees play the Twins.  It is supposed to be sunny and 68...Awesome!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Greetings From Tampa!

Wow, have we been getting lucky with the weather!  We have had rain and severe thunder storms in the forecast for the past three days, but have had some really beautiful days and barely a sprinkle.  I know... I have already knocked on the faux wood next to me...

This was just before we left Jax this morning.   

It was smooth sailing down to Tampa and have settled into the Raccoon Creek Recreation Area on MacDill Air Force Base.  So far it seems to be a great place, we took a walk but I forgot my camera, so pictures to follow...

And, we got our wish about warm weather!  We are going to watch the Red Sox hopefully not lose to the Yankees tomorrow.  There is rain in the forecast again so wish us luck!

Monday, March 18, 2013

On The Road Again!

So here we go again, our first trip of the year.  We left Tennessee on Wednesday morning heading south.  Our first stop was the Falcon's Nest campground on Shaw Air Force Base.  We'll not be staying there again...  It seemed that most of the "campers" were more "residents" most of them worked on base and the others were long term.  Now, we did realize that it's an AFB so the flights coming and going were no surprise, but playing taps and reveille was...

No frills, not that we needed any, but it doesn't hurt.  No cable or Internet and as a matter of fact our Verizon Mi-Fi didn't even work, and the connecting for the sewer was at the front by the road??  Oh well, it was only one night, we survived.

Then off to Bluffton, SC to visit my folks for a few days.  Yesterday morning we left there for sunny Florida! So here we are are at the Pelican Roost RV Park on the Mayport Naval Base in Jacksonville.  Right after we arrived an old friend of mine I was stationed with in Orlando, many, many, moons ago, stopped by for a visit.

The campground is in a great location, right on the water.  This morning we saw one of the ships going out. (See the stacks behind the other campers)

It's the USS Arlington LPD-24, home ported in Norfolk.

We took a walk around the campground and area...

It's a really nice place, free cable (that was being fixed) and Wi-Fi.

They even have their own beach...

So nice!

We are loving this weather!

Palm trees swaying in the breeze...

Life is good!

Tomorrow we head farther south to Tampa...