Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Sox Do It Again...

Lose that is!  They lost to the Toronto Blue Jays today, 1-0.  We were hearing that the game was sold out as we were standing in line at the box office, but had no problem getting tickets.  We still haven't decided if that was a good thing or not...

How about that??!!

Another beautiful day, sunny this time but we were prepared.

It did start to cloud up and we did get some sprinkles on the way home.  So far we have gotten pretty lucky with the weather!

Brock Holt, 2nd base, at bat...uneventful.

Drew Sutton, 3rd base...the same.

The Toronto Blue Jay.

Here he is working the crowd. 

After the game we headed down to Ybor City, a historic section of Tampa for dinner. If you all haven't used Groupon, Living Social or Half off depot yet, you have to check it out! We have gotten some really great deals on dining and have been to some really cool areas of town that we probably wouldn't have seen otherwise.  Not to mention some really awesome food! 

We are taking tomorrow off from baseball to switch to NCAA Basketball and do a little shopping.

So as I was finishing this post up yesterday, talking about how lucky we've been with the weather.  Well, a thunderstorm came through and we lost power for a couple of hours, which is why I'm posting late...

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