Monday, October 19, 2009

Dublin Day 3

We were up and out early, wandering the streets.  This is a city with a sense of humor, check out the signs in some of the windows of restaurants we ran into...

Get in here and eat!

Ummmmm, nothing like a good bowl of gruel!

St Patrick's Cathedral - brought to you by Bailey's Irish Cream...You have to love this country!

Saint Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin, also known as The National Cathedral was founded in 1191, is the larger than Christ’s Church, and the largest church in Ireland.

Inside the cathedral

Now off to tour the Guinness factory!


The bar maid put a cute little shamrock in my that's talent!

A lovely day for a Guinness!

The view from The Gravity Bar looking out towards Trinity College.

In 1759, at the age of 34, Arthur Guinness signed a 9000-year lease for the St. James's Gate Brewery, Dublin, at an annual rent of £45. The brewery was only 4 acres in size, disused, and had little brewing equipment. But in only 10 years, despite competition from imported English beers, Arthur began to export his beer to England.  Smart guy!

This is a new one to me...but really, how bad can it be???

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