Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sorrento Sunday

What a beautiful day!! After a week of nothing but rain it was so nice to see the sun! So off we went to Sorrento, which is along the Amalfi Coast and is about 45 convenient minutes away from us!

Mt Vesuvius from across the bay.

We stopped along the way to take some pictures... gorgeous!

This is the main piazza

Outdoor cafes and restaurants everywhere.

Not sure what exactly this is, or was, but it's in a ravine way below street level.

There is just a little trickle of water flowing now.

After some shopping we stopped for lunch...

The wall next to our table was solid tufo stone, amazing!

Lunch, as always, was great and we ate way too much!

This is my new inlaid wood jewlery box.  Sorrento is famous for their inlaid wood products.

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