Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I hate saying good-bye more than anything!  It was a tear filled day...but the only thing that made it a little easier was that we were saying ciao...not good-bye, we'll be back!

It seems to be a little easier for Stu!!

We had our "Last Supper" with Paolo and his beautiful family.

Brothers forever...

Grazie once again Paolo and Stefiania for another great evening!
What could be better than this!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Too Funny!

This is a little good natured humor for our Italian friends!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Logan Update

Logan is almost 5 months old...time flies by so fast!  He started 2 things this week; he's now sleeping in his room in his crib at night (not just for naps anymore) and he started eating rice cereal!

Looks good anyway!

Laurie and Logan on St. Paddy's Day

Matt and Logan out for a walk

Moving Day(s)

Well, the time has come...we are officially moved out of Casa Allen sul Vesuvio and have moved into the hotel on the Capodichino base.   It's perfect, basically a one bedroom apartment with a washer/dryer and wi-fi...it will do nicely for the next 7 days.  

Have you ever wondered what 80 lbs of cheese looks like??  Well... wonder no more!

We'll be eating Parmigiano for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the rest of our lives!  We are also bringing back lots of tomatoes and Greek olive oil.

And coffee, coffee, coffee for everyone!  I've gotten really, really good at making espresso!

There goes our stuff....see you in about 5 months (we hope)!!! 

Ciao guys, take good care of our things!

Our house...a mere shadow of it's former self.

We just have a few more things to take care of before we finally turn the house back over.

There's my pretty girl!

I'm really, really going to miss her, but she belongs here and will be well taken care of.

Our "Last Lunch" at the house.

Italian pizza and a Jamacian beer...

The side of the box says "the laughter, the beauty and the pizza".  I couldn't have said it any better myself!

Sophia Loren and an old Italian comedian Toto, on a pizza box... Gotta love it!

Padre Pio, pray for our shipment!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Lunch at Paolo's

After working our butts off all day Saturday and Sunday morning, we needed a break!  Paolo invited us over for lunch and we were grateful to get away from the house for a little while.
Paolo, Stefania and their two girls, Mara and Roberta live right in Naples, well above it really.  Their view starts where ours ends.

They have the biggest balcony we have ever seen! 

This is Ron, probably the biggest German Shepard I've ever seen...what a cutie!

The have a great view of the Naples stadium where the soccer matches are played.  They say that during a game if Naples scores, they hear the cheering outside before they hear it from the TV!   Naples played Milan Sunday (in Milan, thankfully!), but the final score was 1-1.

Grazie Paolo and Stefania!  Another great day and meal and I got some new recipes from Stefania, so we'll be able to take more of Italy home with us...I love that!

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Moving day is Monday and Tuesday so things are a little crazy right now, and will be for the next few days.  We just have to keep thinking...it's for the greater good!

Eeeek!  When did we get so much stuff!??!

Stu power washing everything not moving...and then some!

Ahhhh, and still, Kitty sleeps through it all!

Dinner at La Roccia

Friday night we went to dinner at La Roccia (the rock) with Gianni, Consiglia and Julie...the grand puppy.

She was soooo good!  Not a peep and didn't move off the chair!

Proud Grand parents!

Everyone with the cook...  Another great evening!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The legend of the shamrock...

Long ago, when Ireland was the land of Druids, there was a great Bishop, Patrick by name, who came to teach the word of God throughout the country. This St. Patrick—for he was indeed a saint—was well loved everywhere he went. One day, however, a group of his followers came to him and admitted that it was difficult for them to believe in the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.

St. Patrick reflected a moment and then, stooping down, he plucked a leaf from the shamrock and held it before them, bidding them to behold the living example of the "Three-in-One." St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the concept of the Holy Trinity of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The simple beauty of this explanation convinced these skeptics, and from that day the shamrock has been revered throughout Ireland.
A four-leaf clover has always been considered a symbol of good luck in Irish culture. According to legend, the leaves of a four-leaf clover represent hope, faith, and love, and God added another leaf for luck.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Logan Update

Just over 4 months old and doing great!  Look at those cheeks!

It's never too early to start! 

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Taming the Beast...

The "Cinque" comes home!

What a cutie!!

The instrument cluster...

Toggles for the lights and windshield wipers, the ignition and the all important ash tray on the top.  Also, note the blue and white cord hanging under the steering wheel... that would be our anti-theft device!  It's another key that must be in for the car to start, not bad for a 1967!

The massive back seat.

What is it with men and cars...it's in the 40's and raining.  Does the car really need to be washed??

Pure power!
The maiden voyage...eeeek!

I wouldn't get too close!


Look at her go!

I could only get up the nerve to drive a few laps around the house.

Not a great day to have the top down, but I couldn't resist!

One more lap ought to do it!

The "trunk" and the gas tank.  Not real sure what we can fit in here, but at least we have a back seat!

And protected by Padre Pio, one of Italy's favorite patron saints, and some say the patron saint of stress relief... perfect.