Monday, March 22, 2010

Lunch at Paolo's

After working our butts off all day Saturday and Sunday morning, we needed a break!  Paolo invited us over for lunch and we were grateful to get away from the house for a little while.
Paolo, Stefania and their two girls, Mara and Roberta live right in Naples, well above it really.  Their view starts where ours ends.

They have the biggest balcony we have ever seen! 

This is Ron, probably the biggest German Shepard I've ever seen...what a cutie!

The have a great view of the Naples stadium where the soccer matches are played.  They say that during a game if Naples scores, they hear the cheering outside before they hear it from the TV!   Naples played Milan Sunday (in Milan, thankfully!), but the final score was 1-1.

Grazie Paolo and Stefania!  Another great day and meal and I got some new recipes from Stefania, so we'll be able to take more of Italy home with us...I love that!

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