Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Wonderland!

So we woke us this morning to a Winter Wonderland!  I'm not sure how many inches we've gotten today, at least 3-4 though!

I'm not sure if you can see it or not, cut the snowmen spell out "SNOW", how appropriate! 

We took a walk this morning to check out everything covered in the white stuff.

A couple of years ago we were in Spain just before Christmas and saw something like this (a branch sprayed white adorned with decorations)outside of a restaurant...we were inspired!

Stu's toro lantern from Japan.

And of course, the waterfall covered in snow and ice...

Stu, loving it!

Me, freezing!

The house from the top of the driveway.

Stu's garage...

Out the kitchen window, reminds me of a snow globe!

We finally have all of our Christmas decorations up.  The tree is trimmed...

 And our guys are merry!

I've heard it is supposed to be a really cold week, ick!  But it sure is pretty for now...

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful!!! Finally looking like home for real!!! Glad you got the cheese!!! I am so happy for the both of you, but I miss you sooooooooooooooooo much!!!! Love you, Angela.
