Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let The Landscaping Begin...

Well, I guess I should say continue!  Tis the season! 

This is how our morning started yesterday.

Man your shovels!

Stu getting ready to dig some holes.

The tulips I planted are getting ready to bloom.

Filling up some of the pots we brought back from Italy with some of the plants we brought back.

My Mom sent me some lupin seeds from Maine that I scattered in November...  Ta Da!  The are coming up!  A little bit of home here in Tennessee.

We still have some work to do here, but at least the plants are in the ground.

We just noticed these the other day...  The tree with little pink flowers on them are Red Bud trees.  We have a few sprinkled around the yard, they are pretty pitiful right now, but now they are getting more sun...grow little ones, grow!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Is In The Air!

Things are blooming, getting green and the weather is must be Spring! 

We are starting to get a few more plants in the ground.

And lots more to come!

The weather was so nice today we took a walk down our road and through the woods by our house.  The land we are on and the surrounding 60+ acres was a campground over 30 years ago, it looks like this fire pit has been here at least that long.

The creek along the road.  Stu showing off his picture taking abilities (not to mention slimy wet rock climbing abilities!).

The land here is soooo rocky!  Check out these "survivor" trees growing on the rocks.

Back at the house, it's taken a lot longer but the grass on the backside of the house is finally filling in and getting green.

The lower part of the front yard (where the dirt is) is our next landscaping project.

It's a little hard to see in the one, but our squirrel is back and hanging from his toes...

And I was finally able to get a shot of our little chickadees!  We don't see them that often, but they are still the only birds we have seen on the feeders!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Finally!  It may be a bird feeder, but we were sooooo happy to see this little guy! 

What a cutie!

I guess now it's a squirrel feeder!

We did actually see two little birds later in the afternoon, but they weren't around long enough for pictures...  Hopefully they will be back!

Sun City, South Carolina And Savannah, Georgia

We took a much needed quick vacation last weekend to Sun City, South Carolina where my parents are "Wintering".  It was so nice to get away for a little while!  We got lots of rest and tons of food!

We went to the Crazy Crab for lunch, shrimp and fried oysters...yummmmm!

I love these old trees.

Since we don't get much (or any) seafood in Cosby, we stopped off to get some fresh mussels to cook for dinner.

We stopped by a great old church in Bluffton.
 The Church of the Cross was consecrated in July of 1857.

A beautiful little church right on the water.

In 1863, Federal troops marched into Bluffton burning most of the town. Although the church was spared, its congregation fled, services resumed in 1870.

Stu and I took an afternoon walk and ran into one of the locals.

On Monday, since Savannah, Georgia was so close (about 30 minutes away) we went over for the day.

Savannah is a beautiful old city, very touristy, but still fun.

We went in to check this place out, it may have been cheaper to fly to Italy to get some gelato!!

We took a bus around the city and jumped off here at The Pirate House to have lunch.

A riverboat by the board walk.

Tourist Traps on River Street.

The ferry back to the car.  We definitely want to come back and spend a little more time here!