Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Is In The Air!

Things are blooming, getting green and the weather is must be Spring! 

We are starting to get a few more plants in the ground.

And lots more to come!

The weather was so nice today we took a walk down our road and through the woods by our house.  The land we are on and the surrounding 60+ acres was a campground over 30 years ago, it looks like this fire pit has been here at least that long.

The creek along the road.  Stu showing off his picture taking abilities (not to mention slimy wet rock climbing abilities!).

The land here is soooo rocky!  Check out these "survivor" trees growing on the rocks.

Back at the house, it's taken a lot longer but the grass on the backside of the house is finally filling in and getting green.

The lower part of the front yard (where the dirt is) is our next landscaping project.

It's a little hard to see in the one, but our squirrel is back and hanging from his toes...

And I was finally able to get a shot of our little chickadees!  We don't see them that often, but they are still the only birds we have seen on the feeders!

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