Thursday, March 24, 2011

Let The Landscaping Begin...

Well, I guess I should say continue!  Tis the season! 

This is how our morning started yesterday.

Man your shovels!

Stu getting ready to dig some holes.

The tulips I planted are getting ready to bloom.

Filling up some of the pots we brought back from Italy with some of the plants we brought back.

My Mom sent me some lupin seeds from Maine that I scattered in November...  Ta Da!  The are coming up!  A little bit of home here in Tennessee.

We still have some work to do here, but at least the plants are in the ground.

We just noticed these the other day...  The tree with little pink flowers on them are Red Bud trees.  We have a few sprinkled around the yard, they are pretty pitiful right now, but now they are getting more sun...grow little ones, grow!

1 comment:

  1. I haven't seen any pixs of Theresa with her gardening gloves on.....when do you expect these pixs to come out?!?
