Saturday, April 30, 2011

EF 1 Tornado Confirmed

Wednesday night we had a tornado come through Newport which is about 10 miles from our house. Our neighbor up the road from us had a window blow in, but since we are down by the creek we are apparently somewhat protected and had no problems at all.

Below is the write-up from the local paper.

"The Hobart Ford Adult Education Building suffered heavy damage during Wednesday night's storm in Newport. The front of the building was removed along with part of the roof."

NEWPORT-Strong storms and a possible tornado ripped through Newport Wednesday night, damaging buildings, downing trees and power lines and causing flooding in the downtown area.

Some of the worst damage was along Hedrick Drive where the Hobart Ford Adult Education Building received extensive damage. Some damage was also reported at Cocke County High School and the school's football field, where pine trees were snapped and damaged the scoreboard.

Trees and powers lines were reported down across town. Several roads were blocked by trees, including Broadway in front of Eastern Plaza and at Eastport. Heavy rains accompanying the storms also caused minor flooding of Broadway between the Cocke County Courthouse and Food City East.

City and county law enforcement worked to control traffic while crews from Newport Utilities were working throughout the town to restore power.

Lt. Terry Lawson, of the Newport Police Department, said at the end of his night shift, around 6 a.m. today, "In 23 years of law enforcement, I hadn't seen this type of weather before."

"Miraculously, no one got hurt or killed-so far," Lawson said.

He said that Patrolman Matthew Elliott was in his patrol car on Hedrick Drive when strong winds-perhaps a tornado-hit the adult high school and Cocke County High School. Lawson said Elliott was in his patrol car when it was blown into a ditch, and Elliott said he blacked out for about 20 seconds, but was otherwise not injured.

Capt. Ronnie Landers was driving his patrol car when winds hit and spun his vehicle around "a couple of times," Lawson said.

Lawson said trees were down "all over downtown Newport" and it took him 25 minutes to find a path open to the Baptist Hospital of Cocke County. Lawson said at the time he was transporting a person who had allegedly overdosed to the emergency room.

"It was hailing really bad," Lawson said, "and it was raining so hard at one point you couldn't see in front of you."

Some of the damage he encountered were trees down, trees on vehicles, and trees that crashed into homes, and roofs were blown off homes. He said he had to rescue people trapped in their homes and others suddenly without a roof on their house.

"Nobody was killed," Cocke County firefighter Tracy Short said.

Short said he and other firefighters were busy cutting up trees that fell on the road near the Eastport BP and car wash, all the way to the Eastport bridge. He said a private citizen showed up with a Bobcat and scooted the cut trees off the road.

He said firefighters were trying to dodge what was either a tornado or very strong winds, in order to reach people in distress due to the storm's damage.

Short said a house burned to the ground in Sunset Gap, near the Sevier County line.

The roof of 911 dispatch was also damaged.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mini Vacation

 We took a few days "off" and headed back down to South Carolina to spend Easter with my folks and explore Savannah again.

Savannah has a great free public transportation system, so here we go taking full advantage....

One of Savannah's favorite stories involves the life of Florence Martus, who was known well by Savannahians and sailors of the sea as the Waving Girl.
As the story goes, life in a remote cottage was lonely for Florence whose closest companion was her devoted collie. At an early age, she developed a close affinity with the passing ships and welcomed each one with a wave of her handkerchief. Sailors began returning her greeting by waving back or with a blast of the ship's horn.

On the ferry heading into downtown Savannah.

A pretty little fountain by the City Market...

I took the picture more for the sign above the fountain...

Ellis Square - Looks fun, and boy were we tempted... it was hot!

We stopped off for a a yummmmmy cold smoothie...

Lunch a Vinnie Van Go Go's...

New York style pizza. 

Definitely not Italian, but not to shabby!

Later that night we went on a walking ghost tour.  No ghosts, but lots of great stories and beautiful buildings!

Off to "Murphy's Law" an Irish pub by the hotel.

Sixth up from the bottom... Monty Pyton's Holy Ale, I love it!

The next day we took a cooking class at Kitchens on the Square store.

The finished products: Herb crusted pork with a mango peach salsa, potato salad, green beans with bacon... 

And don't freak out... for dessert we had a peanut butter and jelly twinkie.  Chocolate cake filled with peanut butter and covered with raspberry jelly.  Looks funky, but it was good (at least I though so).

Ta Da!  I though it was great, Stu wasn't impressed, but we had fun anyway!

We had a great time!  Easter was a nice relaxing day with too much food, wait, did I really say that??  Mom and Dad are heading back up to the frozen North on Monday (they still have snow on the ground in Maine).  It was nice to have them so close and be able to spend some time together!  

Sunday, April 17, 2011

It's A Beautiful Day!!

What a beautiful day!  Stu just finished mowing the lawn and couldn't resist taking a quick shot of the house in the morning sun!

Things are starting to bloom...

Our first rose of the season...

With lots more on the way!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Let The Games Begin!

EEEEEEEEEKK!  Here we go again!  We caught our first snake the other day, fortunately it was a black snake.  A snake is a snake to me, but Stu went up and cut him loose.  We had two more trapped yesterday...  I hate snakes!!!

Last week I found a ad in the local paper for "Dig your own burning bushes".  So that's what we did...

 The guy selling them has 10 acres that used to be a nursery before he bought his property, now he is looking to make some room and move some plants out.

This was our haul for the day (we had already gotten 3 the day before).  Digging them up was actually the easy comes planting them in our rock filled yard!

Note the piles for rock everywhere...yeah, we dug those up.

Not too shabby, but believe me we hurt for days!!

Hail Storm

Saturday we had a pretty good storm come through, the hail was just a little smaller than a marble, but still enough to get your attention if you were out in it!  It looked like popcorn coming off the roof!

These were a little melty by the time I took the picture...

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


With a rainstorm on the way but a sunny morning, we decided to attack the huge pile of dirt in the front yard.
First up, the tractor.

Now the tiller...

While Stu was doing that I planted our cute little "curly tops".

They are an evergreen so we'll have some color even in the Winter.

We also got the crepe myrtle in the ground right in front of the guest porch.  Hoping that people don't think it's our front door anymore.

The tulips are almost done blooming... pretty though!

This is the result at the end of the day, still needs a little work, but not bad for a days work!

We have a dogwood tree in the front yard that barely survived the excavation and a red bud tree blooming in the back.

April 3rd was Stu's retirement date, one year ago already!  We celebrated with a few drinks on the porch watching the rain.  Ahhhhhh, it's good to be retired!

And this is what we had the next day after all the rain...Wow!