Wednesday, April 6, 2011


With a rainstorm on the way but a sunny morning, we decided to attack the huge pile of dirt in the front yard.
First up, the tractor.

Now the tiller...

While Stu was doing that I planted our cute little "curly tops".

They are an evergreen so we'll have some color even in the Winter.

We also got the crepe myrtle in the ground right in front of the guest porch.  Hoping that people don't think it's our front door anymore.

The tulips are almost done blooming... pretty though!

This is the result at the end of the day, still needs a little work, but not bad for a days work!

We have a dogwood tree in the front yard that barely survived the excavation and a red bud tree blooming in the back.

April 3rd was Stu's retirement date, one year ago already!  We celebrated with a few drinks on the porch watching the rain.  Ahhhhhh, it's good to be retired!

And this is what we had the next day after all the rain...Wow!

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