Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mini Vacation

 We took a few days "off" and headed back down to South Carolina to spend Easter with my folks and explore Savannah again.

Savannah has a great free public transportation system, so here we go taking full advantage....

One of Savannah's favorite stories involves the life of Florence Martus, who was known well by Savannahians and sailors of the sea as the Waving Girl.
As the story goes, life in a remote cottage was lonely for Florence whose closest companion was her devoted collie. At an early age, she developed a close affinity with the passing ships and welcomed each one with a wave of her handkerchief. Sailors began returning her greeting by waving back or with a blast of the ship's horn.

On the ferry heading into downtown Savannah.

A pretty little fountain by the City Market...

I took the picture more for the sign above the fountain...

Ellis Square - Looks fun, and boy were we tempted... it was hot!

We stopped off for a a yummmmmy cold smoothie...

Lunch a Vinnie Van Go Go's...

New York style pizza. 

Definitely not Italian, but not to shabby!

Later that night we went on a walking ghost tour.  No ghosts, but lots of great stories and beautiful buildings!

Off to "Murphy's Law" an Irish pub by the hotel.

Sixth up from the bottom... Monty Pyton's Holy Ale, I love it!

The next day we took a cooking class at Kitchens on the Square store.

The finished products: Herb crusted pork with a mango peach salsa, potato salad, green beans with bacon... 

And don't freak out... for dessert we had a peanut butter and jelly twinkie.  Chocolate cake filled with peanut butter and covered with raspberry jelly.  Looks funky, but it was good (at least I though so).

Ta Da!  I though it was great, Stu wasn't impressed, but we had fun anyway!

We had a great time!  Easter was a nice relaxing day with too much food, wait, did I really say that??  Mom and Dad are heading back up to the frozen North on Monday (they still have snow on the ground in Maine).  It was nice to have them so close and be able to spend some time together!  

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