Tuesday, May 24, 2011

1 Year Later...

Saturday was exactly 1 year since we started to build the house...and what a year it's been!

Stu stained the rocking chairs and table we got from my folks.  They look great!

And the swing, which is now up and looks great too!

Just a few shots around the yard of some of our new plants we just got in the ground.

And some old ones...  Crepe myrtle - still now flowers...

This is the "garden", our only cherry tomato, it's a big one though!

The Irish moss we put in by the front "steps" is doing well and some new azaleas that are waiting patiently to be planted.

More plants...

BBQ coming along nicely!

Stu's lawn looks great!

The woolly thyme I planted in the rocks is doing exactly what we wanted it to do...

The oak leaf hydrangea survived the horned caterpillar attack.

And we celebrated our 1 year with pizza!  I just doesn't get any better than that!

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