Friday, June 3, 2011

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot!

Wow!  We have had a busy few weeks!  On top of it being in the 90's everyday we have started to tackle some of the outdoor projects that we have been putting off.

It's kind of hard to see but we finally have a few little gold finch's ( they are bright yellow and black) on the bird feeder.  That wire mess at the bottom of the shepard's hook is one of Stu's many attempts to keep the squirrels from raiding the feeders...

So, here was the problem...  Our down spouts from the gutters were backing up.  We thought we would only have to dig up and replace a small portion of the pipe that was run over and flattened by the tractor...

We were wrong...

Very wrong...  That's a lot of digging, even with the tractor...through rock.

Ahhhh, a new day!  Everything is fixed and filled in and as Stu said, "it looks like it never happened".  If only that were true!

 The first copperhead snake of the season caught in our anti-erosion netting...ick!

Stu started to clear the upper part of the property, getting ready to burn a big pile of limbs and brush.

And on to this weeks project...  We've created a pathway through the lower front yard.

Stu filling it in with gravel.

In between the action I finally got around to getting some of the many plants we've gotten over the past few weeks in the ground.

Ta Da!  All finished, well the walkway is finished anyway...

We have a lot more planting to do, but we aren't in a hurry, we are retired after all (or so I'm told...)

This is my little garden, we'll do a bigger one next year, but this will do for now.  Mostly herbs, but we have a few tomatoes, peppers and arugula thrown in.

Another big project checked off the list of many!

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