Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Surprise, Surprise!

Tyler surprised Stu with an early Father's Day visit!  We did a few mandatory "Touristy" things...

We spent Friday in Gatlinburg and had lunch at Crawdaddy's...yummmm!

Craw fish, fried oysters and a huge burger...

 The "Ole Smoky Mountain Moonshine Holler" is a big attraction for some.

Complete with a live mountain music band.

Saturday morning we took Ty over to Fire Fox Mountain to do the zip lines.

We got there really early, so they had some time to kill...Look at that form!

 Here we go!


Ty getting fancy! 

After the zip lines I ran Stu and Ty to Smoky Mountain Outdoors which is right down the road from our house to do some whitewater rafting!

What a day!

Ty's visit was quick but fun, can't wait for the next one!

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