Tuesday, September 13, 2011


 I just happened to have my camera out the other morning while Stu and I were having coffee on the front porch...And the birds didn't disappoint!

A little hummy at the top of the tree lying in wait for another to chase away.

Kicking grass!  Here we go again!  Stu wasn't happy with the way the grass he just put in 3 weeks ago was coming up, or rather wasn't.  So, he completely re-did the whole front lawn.

This is the side yard with about a weeks worth of growth.

And the back yard at about 3 weeks, still has some thin spots, but looks pretty good!

A gold finch sitting on top of a sunflower that has gone to seed.

I'm pretty sure this was a "baby" gold finch... he landed on everything except the actual seed feeder!

Yup, even our freshly tilled front yard...

This cutie showed up last night munching on Stu's yummy new grass.

And this little one landed on my chair, actually he landed on my leg, but after a few minutes it felt kind of creepy so I moved him gently to the arm of the chair. 

We did a lot of work in the yard today, but we were both too beat to take any pictures...  Maybe tomorrow!

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