Sunday, July 29, 2012


So here we go again!  I've been doing 4 to 6 quarts of tomatoes every other day, this is 6 from Friday and 5 from this morning.

These are the tomatoes on deck, the ones that aren't quite ready yet.  We've also got a few more cucumbers, more pickles tomorrow.

These are the tomatoes growing just off the front porch, all volunteers...  But they are doing great!

Unlike Stu's lawn...  But I have faith, we'll get it back!

Our friend Jerry gave me this tomato out of his garden the other day (along with half a 66 lb watermelon!) it's huge!  

Now that's a big tomato!!


Hey Kerry!  My theresa.allen1@ e-mail address was hacked and I have lost access and all of my contacts!  Rotten!  Send me an e-mail at stuandtheresa@...  

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July Update...

I can't believe it's the end of July already!!  We've been so busy!  The apartment is really taking shape, it will be nice to check that little project off our list of many!

We got the bathroom painted,

And have, since these pictures were taken, had the trim work put up. 

Afternoon Tea

I was invited to go to afternoon tea yesterday and was asked, along with my friend Sylvia to decorate a table.  Since both Stu and I lived in Japan we both had some tea related items so we decided to go with a Japanese theme for the table.  That being said we needed bamboo...  Jerry and Sylvia have a bamboo forest growing around their house and Jerry was nice enough to cut us a few.  I thought this was the funniest thing, the truck looked like a peacock with it's tail dragging...too funny!

So here is our table, we went on Thursday afternoon to set up most of it.

But, if you can believe it, (and I'm sure you can) I forgot my camera!  But some of the other ladies did bring theirs, so I'll have to do Afternoon Tea Part 2 as soon as I get the pictures.

On the the progress with the apartment...

The floor is down,

Most of the upper trim is up,

and the bathroom door is on.

We still have quite a bit to do, but we are on the home stretch now!  It's going to be great!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Work In Progress...

This is what we've been keeping ourselves, mostly Stu, out of trouble with...  The room above the garage, it's shaping up nicely!

The wood ceiling is up as well as the trim molding.  Only one coat of paint so far...  We aren't in love with the color, but this is the fourth color we've tried and it will do for now!  With any luck the floor will be going in next week.

This is looking toward the "bedroom" and closet.

The bedroom.

This will be the kitchen.

The bathroom floor was just grouted today.

Looks great!

Looking toward the "living room".

Moving on the the fruits, or in this case veggies, of our labor... 

I think we got 9 quarts of dill pickles out of this bunch.

And 16 quarts of green beans, a lot of work, but well worth it!

We'll be doing the tomatoes next week, mama mia!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

And Now For Something Completely Different...

Yet another gem from our local paper...Really???
Not sure if you'll be able to read the article, but the title pretty much says it all...