Friday, July 13, 2012

Work In Progress...

This is what we've been keeping ourselves, mostly Stu, out of trouble with...  The room above the garage, it's shaping up nicely!

The wood ceiling is up as well as the trim molding.  Only one coat of paint so far...  We aren't in love with the color, but this is the fourth color we've tried and it will do for now!  With any luck the floor will be going in next week.

This is looking toward the "bedroom" and closet.

The bedroom.

This will be the kitchen.

The bathroom floor was just grouted today.

Looks great!

Looking toward the "living room".

Moving on the the fruits, or in this case veggies, of our labor... 

I think we got 9 quarts of dill pickles out of this bunch.

And 16 quarts of green beans, a lot of work, but well worth it!

We'll be doing the tomatoes next week, mama mia!

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