Sunday, July 29, 2012


So here we go again!  I've been doing 4 to 6 quarts of tomatoes every other day, this is 6 from Friday and 5 from this morning.

These are the tomatoes on deck, the ones that aren't quite ready yet.  We've also got a few more cucumbers, more pickles tomorrow.

These are the tomatoes growing just off the front porch, all volunteers...  But they are doing great!

Unlike Stu's lawn...  But I have faith, we'll get it back!

Our friend Jerry gave me this tomato out of his garden the other day (along with half a 66 lb watermelon!) it's huge!  

Now that's a big tomato!!

1 comment:

  1. Mamma mia girl!!!! You guys are doing better fram work than me and pop this year!!! the heat killed the eggplant, an the peppers. Corn is doing wonderful...and still have hope for the tomatoes. You hose looks better and better!!!! Give Stu my love!!! OUR love!!
