Thursday, August 23, 2012

Smiles Everyone...Smiles!

Picture day...Three generations of Allen boys.
Tyler, Logan, Matt, Grandpa Stu and Lincoln.

Can't make them stand still for long though!

Stu and I with the littlest Allen boys, Logan and Lincoln.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Play Time!

 To the park!!

Stu and I took Logan to the park right down the road.

Working on our climbing skills.

On to Mt. Logan...

Logan the Explorer!

Grandpa and Logan conquer Mt. Logan!!

Now for a little pool action.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Play Ball!!

We headed downtown Seattle this afternoon to go see the Mariners play the Twins...

Safeco Field... It was a beautiful day, I think it got up to 72 degrees...lovely!

Logan tearing into a huge bag of popcorn.

Grandpa and Logan.

And....the Mariners won 5-1!  Yahooo!

Everett Beer Festival

This afternoon we went to a Beer Festival in Everett.

Lots of local micro brews.

Stu, Matt, Mike and Seth.

And lots of cool t-shirts...

Now, I've seen a lot of crazy vending machines in women's bathrooms...believe me!  But I have to say this is the craziest one I've ever seen!  It's a curling iron...only $2 for 2 minutes or $5 for 5 minutes...what?? 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Seattle...Grandpa Time!

We are headed to Seattle!!  This is a shot of Mt. Rainier from the plane.

It's wrestle mania time...

Or is it Smack Down??

Either way, they look like they are having a blast!

It's the bulldog!  Max.

Grandpa and Logan hanging out on the deck.

Little Lincoln

Grandpa being silly (as usual)!


Grandpa and Lincoln


The artist in Logan coming out!  Is it a squid, octopus or jelly make the call!

Ummmmm, mushies!

Me and Logan looking at the pictures we took this morning.

To the park!

First trip down the slide...

But not the last!

On to the swings!


Logan pushing Mom around.

And if you can believe it...we got a Prius for a rental car....ick!

Stu preparing for the inevitable!

And again...beautiful!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!

OK, so if you remember the picture of that ginormous tomato a couple of days ago, well it alone made a whole tomato pie!  Soooo yummy!

We had a BIG haul of tomatoes from the garden yesterday!  Check out this huge pot of crushed tomatoes!  It was an all day affair and I was covered with tomato goo... which is why I'm wearing one of Stu's shirts...hee hee!  Exhausting, but so worth it!

Taa-Daa!  15 quarts of crushed tomatoes...that makes a total of 52 quarts so far (minus one for dinner last night).  Not too shabby, and we aren't done yet!

We did some dill pickles the other day too.