Saturday, August 18, 2012

Seattle...Grandpa Time!

We are headed to Seattle!!  This is a shot of Mt. Rainier from the plane.

It's wrestle mania time...

Or is it Smack Down??

Either way, they look like they are having a blast!

It's the bulldog!  Max.

Grandpa and Logan hanging out on the deck.

Little Lincoln

Grandpa being silly (as usual)!


Grandpa and Lincoln


The artist in Logan coming out!  Is it a squid, octopus or jelly make the call!

Ummmmm, mushies!

Me and Logan looking at the pictures we took this morning.

To the park!

First trip down the slide...

But not the last!

On to the swings!


Logan pushing Mom around.

And if you can believe it...we got a Prius for a rental car....ick!

Stu preparing for the inevitable!

And again...beautiful!

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