Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!

OK, so if you remember the picture of that ginormous tomato a couple of days ago, well it alone made a whole tomato pie!  Soooo yummy!

We had a BIG haul of tomatoes from the garden yesterday!  Check out this huge pot of crushed tomatoes!  It was an all day affair and I was covered with tomato goo... which is why I'm wearing one of Stu's shirts...hee hee!  Exhausting, but so worth it!

Taa-Daa!  15 quarts of crushed tomatoes...that makes a total of 52 quarts so far (minus one for dinner last night).  Not too shabby, and we aren't done yet!

We did some dill pickles the other day too.

1 comment:

  1. Good job girl!!! You are getting good in making "sugo". And the pie looks great! YUMMY!!!!!!! Love you. Miss you! ANGELA.
