Sunday, October 28, 2012

Awaiting Sandy...

This is what we have had all day so far, just a rainy day, not much wind and just a steady rain.  We'll see what the next few days bring us.

I was stationed at the Naval Hospital in Portsmouth, VA back in 1989, seems like forever ago...  Anyway, I came up to Williamsburg quite often since it's only about an hour or so away.  Now, as you can imagine, the colonial part hasn't change much since then, but other wise this is a completely different place!

We did go to Captain George's seafood restaurant for lunch, all you can eat...and we did!

I used to come to the Williamsburg Pottery Barn, it was one big huge building, nothing fancy, for sure.  

Well, it's gotten fancy!

Well, we've got food, water and candles, let's hope we won't need the candles!!

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