Saturday, October 27, 2012

Williamsburg, Day 2

We went to the center of the downtown historic Williamsburg this morning and ran into a farmer's market, lucky us!

We walked away with a bag full of local in a candy store!

We are still bracing for the storm coming, but were determined to get out and get a little familiar with the area.

It looks cold and blustery, but it's pretty comfortable out.

As we were walking we ran into a group in period costume getting ready to "Storm the Palace".

The Governor's Palace.

The colony's gunpowder was taken during the night by British sailors.  The Williamsburg Independent Company plans to march on the Governor's Palace to demand its return.

Look at that color!

The "Gov" has a pretty nice gate, I told Stu we should get one... 

Check out this tree...

That's a hard life!

This is the courthouse.

I love this time of year!


Maybe a carriage ride later in the week...

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