Sunday, July 7, 2013

4th Of July With The Fords

We celebrated the 4th of July on Friday with our good friends the Fords, good thing too, we finally got a small break in the rain.

Meet our main course...

So yummy, and gone...

We were up at Grassy Fork, about half an hour away from our place further up in the mountains.

This is the creek that fills the pond.

Kids swinging on vines across the creek. 


It was so nice to see the sun, if only for a few hours.

Paddle boating on the pond.

It's hard to see in this picture, but Jerry has a citronella incense stuck in his hat and burning... the biting things were out in force.  This is also about the time the rain started again.

This is Andy, behind his back is what they call a "sparkler bomb"...  Take a whole box of sparklers and tape them together... 

Light and run! 

The boom is amazing considering it's "just" sparklers!

This is Ben, guess what he's doing...

We are learning all kinds of thing here in Tennessee!

Now it's the kids turn to play with the sparklers.



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