Friday, July 5, 2013

Around The Yard

With all the traveling we have been doing, we haven't paid much attention to our yard this year, with the exception of Stu's "envy of the neighborhood" lawn.  

But....  Stu did finish our newspaper box to match the mailbox he made a few months back.

This is the front.

As usual, he did a great job!  I love it!

There is the matching set.

It's hard to believe this....

Looked like this...  This was taken in May of 2010 just before we started the house.  And this was cleaned up compared to what we started with!  Stu's a worker bee for sure!

We've had so much rain in the past few weeks, things are getting a little overgrown.

For the most part everything is handling the rain and lack of sun pretty well.

Except my poor roses, first the aphids got them, then the Japanese beetles and now mold...

My lavender isn't loving all the rain either.

The grass is looking great though!

Still no flowers on our crepe myrtle trees yet...

The backyard is finally holding it's own, the past few years it has struggled, but looks good now!

We are looking forward to getting some sun soon. This has been the wettest and coolest (no complaints there) Summer we have had here so far.  Looking at the weather's not going to be any time soon.  But we all know about those weathermen...we'll see what we end up with! 

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