Thursday, February 4, 2010

Barcelona Day 2

Ick! A rainy day... Oh, well, if the Navy has taught me anything it's to adapt and overcome... We started the day off with breakfast with Ty and the girls, then dropped Ty off at the Travel Bar, which we highly recommend if you are coming to Barcelona.  The bar is a great jumping off point for things to do in english.  Such as the free tour and the cooking class, which I'll get to later...
From there we headed to the Picasso Museum...which was...let's just say, interesting...

Hard to believe he went from this in 1895,

to this in 1969... Eeeek.

So anyway, after to lunch, all you can eat sush at the Iroue Japanese Restaurant near the Passeig de Gracia.

When we dropped Ty off for the walking tour this morning we signed ourselves up for the cooking class, which should have been how to make sangria and paella... however there wasn't enough people.  So we had a few drinks at the Travel Bar, met up with Ty and moved on...

From there we stopped off and had a night cap...

The 80's are striking back???  Nooooooooooooo!

So, we didn't get to the Sagrada Familia today, but are planning to go tomorrow morning before we leave here tomorrow afternoon(ish).  We have all day Saturday in Rome and the kids leave early Sunday morning.  Pray for good weather...

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