Sunday, May 30, 2010

A Day Off!

I'm really beginning to love Sundays!  We take one day off from everything... working on the property and/or shopping for appliances and fixtures, etc...  These pictures are from Friday and Saturday.

This ditch is for the water lines. 

The driveway has been widened a little bit and a few more trees down.

This is where the house will be, taken coming down the driveway.

This ditch is for the electrical lines.

Some of the local wildlife.

If I look tired, sore and filthy...I am!  This was yesterdays project...

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Digging the Foundation

The fire is almost out...  I'm sure it's not the last one though!

We definitely have enough rocks to keep us busy with rock walls for a while!

This is looking from the border of lots 8 & 9 to the edge of 9.

This area used to be a campground about 30 years ago.  This is on lot 8 (which is also ours), and is what's left of the trail leading down to the waterfall.  A little overgrown right now, but we'll have that cleaned up in no time!

We have power!

Danny and Stu measuring out exactly where the house will sit. 

And finally, digging the foundation!! 

But possibly more exciting than that...gas prices are dropping!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Stu went to the property this morning and...
Taa Daa!  This is the first "car" to come down our driveway!

Not much left of the fire now.

The electricians came out to install the masthead...ahhh, power!

We ran errands this afternoon and one of them ran us by the Sevier County Courthouse. Sevierville, of course, is Dolly Parton's hometown...


This is a life-sized statue in her honor, rumor has it you are supposed to rub the statue for good luck...not sure where or what you're supposed to rub, but we'll take all the luck we can get!

Then off to a feed store and we actually found rhubarb plants!  By the looks of them we need to get them in pots soon!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Logan Update!

6 and a half months...what a cutie!

Tuesday's Progress

Day 3 of the excavation and things are moving along nicely!

Another big tree going down.

And the fire roars on...

Got firewood...?

Looking from the far edge of the property up the driveway.

This shot is pretty much looking from one edge of our property to the other side. 

Monday, May 24, 2010

Another week begins...

We had a nice leisurely Sunday, lots of rest and it showed this morning!  What a tough day!  It was hot and we are both still really sore...but the show must go on!

The guys started a really good fire this morning (that was still in full swing when we left a 4 this afternoon...) and me without my marshmallows!

They filled in the ditch and leveled off the start of the driveway.

We now have two big rigs working down below.

We were so proud we had started to get the top section really cleaned up and looking good, I guess our work continues...

A few more trees removed along the driveway down to the bottom.

They are getting the house site pretty level, but still a long way to go!

A quick break to check out the creek...yup, still there...back to work!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Here are pictures of what they accomplished yesterday after we left...

This is the driveway just before turning and heading down.

This is at the bottom, the creek is still buried in the trees and brush but eventually it will be (in the picture) straight back and on the right.

We have a lot of rock and sand...

Before the crew left yesterday, they left a nice big pile of trees and brush...looks like it's time for a bonfire!

Here is what we saw at the gas station in Newport this morning, of course right down the road it was $2.47...but compared to the rest of the country, we aren't complaining!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Building Site

It's official!  We have a building site!

I told Stu we should have gotten one of these instead of his tractor...a little out of our price range though!

The bulldozer just starting to cut the driveway down to the house site.


Our excavator Danny is really amazing with his big toys!

Another tree bites the dust!

Getting closer to the bottom, just about to make the turn.

Our contractor Mike and his nephew Brian getting busy with the chainsaws!

From the bottom looking up.

Starting to clear the house site.

Looking back from the "house" to the turn of the driveway, it's relatively flat down there already.

This is where the house will sit, you can just make out the green tape running through the middle of the picture.

The big boy is on his way down to the bottom.

We left before they did and we think they will be working tomorrow so we can't wait to see what they have accomplished today and what they will do tomorrow!