Friday, May 21, 2010

Building Site

It's official!  We have a building site!

I told Stu we should have gotten one of these instead of his tractor...a little out of our price range though!

The bulldozer just starting to cut the driveway down to the house site.


Our excavator Danny is really amazing with his big toys!

Another tree bites the dust!

Getting closer to the bottom, just about to make the turn.

Our contractor Mike and his nephew Brian getting busy with the chainsaws!

From the bottom looking up.

Starting to clear the house site.

Looking back from the "house" to the turn of the driveway, it's relatively flat down there already.

This is where the house will sit, you can just make out the green tape running through the middle of the picture.

The big boy is on his way down to the bottom.

We left before they did and we think they will be working tomorrow so we can't wait to see what they have accomplished today and what they will do tomorrow!

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