Monday, May 24, 2010

Another week begins...

We had a nice leisurely Sunday, lots of rest and it showed this morning!  What a tough day!  It was hot and we are both still really sore...but the show must go on!

The guys started a really good fire this morning (that was still in full swing when we left a 4 this afternoon...) and me without my marshmallows!

They filled in the ditch and leveled off the start of the driveway.

We now have two big rigs working down below.

We were so proud we had started to get the top section really cleaned up and looking good, I guess our work continues...

A few more trees removed along the driveway down to the bottom.

They are getting the house site pretty level, but still a long way to go!

A quick break to check out the creek...yup, still there...back to work!

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