Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Foundation Work

Our internet at the cabin isn't real fast, (hopefully that will be fixed this week) so I'm back at the apartment in Sevierville to upload some pictures from the weekend and yesterday...

This is our little cabin in Cosby, we are on the left side.

Meet my little friend(s)...the peacocks have started to come by looking for bread.

Man versus tree:  Stu won (eventually).

These are signs posted at the back of our property...pretty cool!

We decided to do some grilling on Sunday...we have a pitiful little grill, but it did the trick.

The Grill Master is on the job!

The cement block for the foundation being delivered.

Mike working on the footings for the garage.

Ready to rock and roll...

Stu did a really nice job with this straw anti-erosion mat, now he's scattering grass seed.

The gravel truck at the ready.

More death defying feats by Danny, taking the bulldozer straight up the side of the hill (it's really, really steep!).

Here comes the gravel!

We have a driveway!  Well, the start of one anyway!

WoooHooo!  We are starting to see the shape!

This was last night about 7 pm, I can't wait to see it today!

Ahhhh, the maiden voyage... This is the first time "the bus" has been to the bottom of the driveway!

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