Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!

It's been a few days since I've posted anything, we've been really busy!  But things are coming together nicely!

The foundation for the house is done...

Footer for the garage foundation, is done.

This will be our courtyard.

The house foundation ready for the next step. (note the amount of rocks inside)

Concrete block going in the garage.

Stu is standing in the guest bedroom pointing to where the door will be to lead out to the patio.

Concrete block for the garage, done.

Yesterday we got to the property early to rake and shovel rocks...ouch!  But what a difference!

And here they are, we shoveled all the rocks into the cavity for the guest bedroom patio.

We had a big pile of trees and brush we needed to get rid of, so it was either chip it or burn it...  Burning sounded easier, but not necessarily the best choice for a 90 + degree day... note to self!

We took "the cinque" out for a ride around the block this morning and up to the property, she made it up and down the driveway no problem!

This is all that was left of our fire from yesterday.

We've got another really busy week coming up.  We are being told that the floor should go on by Wednesday...we have a lot of things that need to be done before that happens!  Wish us luck!

1 comment:

    congratulation the house looks really nice, beautifull I thing I understand which one is the guess room, beautifull position. Are you sure that whiule the guesses are sleepimg no bear cames in the bed ?
    Really I am so happy for you, it is a great satisfacion for you and for me that share your happyness.
    Un grande abbraccio
