Friday, September 24, 2010

Catching Up...

Progress is slowing down a little more than we would like, unfortunately.  We moved the date for our furniture shipment from the 30th of September to the 14th of October. 

We finally have a the permanent door for the guest bedroom, all we need now is a handle, and to finish the siding.

The stairs up to the apartment are done.

Stu has been a roto-tilling machine!

Jeff was back with his Man Machine yesterday moving dirt getting ready for grass.

The front porch and courtyard were to be pressure washed and sealed yesterday, but the compressor broke...  They are supposed to be back today, we'll see. 

Stu and Jeff added two more "steps" to the front porch.

Jeff knocked this rock wrap out in no time yesterday, this would have taken Stu and I days to do!

They did get the propane tank into position and the gas company will be in today to get it all hooked up.  Stu and Jeff are hard at it again today, at this rate, we'll have the outside landscaping done before the inside...

Oh, and we did catch another snake this morning...But I think we've all seen enough pictures of dead, or mostly dead snakes...

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