Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekend Activities

We did have a pretty easy weekend...for us.  We hit the Home Depot yesterday (those trips thankfully are slowing down) for a few things then started at the house this morning...

I planted some woolly thyme in the rock wall, it should cascade down the rocks, in theory...

Stu shoveled his butt off today!  He back filled behind the rock wall, it's starting to get pretty level now.

The plan is at least one more row of rocks, that should bring the level up nicely.

After back filling, Stu started with the tiller that we borrowed from Jeff and Kate.

He went all the way around the house...

Ok, a quick run around the house with updates...

Our great room ceiling fan is up and running.

Work has started on the guest bathroom shower.

Our guest bedroom door has finally arrived!

We have started to bring our plants from the cabin to the house, where they'll get a lot more sun. 

These are all the plants that we brought back with us, they are doing really well!

Boy do Mondays come quick!  We are planning to get some grass in this week along with various other projects done.  Here we go again...

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