Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rock And Roll Part II

Another very productive day yesterday!  Stu and Jeff got a big chunk of the front rock wall done, thanks to the Man Machine AND the men!

And the deck railing is done, just needs the handrails on the stairs now.

Jeff returning from a scouting mission...

Our neighbor Gerry had (note I say had) several rock piles down the road that he said we could rummage through for some good rocks... done and done!

Rock Stars!

Ok, now we've got them...where do we put them??

 EEEEEKKKK!  We found these caught in the netting we have on the slope going up the driveway...  It looks like there are three (dead thankfully!) copperhead snakes stuck.  We are never going to get rid of that netting, as a matter of fact, I'd like to put it all around the house too!  I hate snakes!

Alright-- back to work...

I planted some Irish moss around the steps to the front door, can't wait to see it fill in!

Another shot of the new step they put in the other night, we still need one or two smaller ones in front, but that's a great start!

That's about it for the day, and what a day!  Stu and Jeff did a fantastic job and Kate and I made great cheerleaders!

1 comment:

  1. Giiiiiiiiiiiirl! It is looking beautiful! I just got back from London ..yep! 20 days away frome here!! Was good to be back "home", see the pther part of may family and old friends!!! No need to tell you how much you and Stu are missed. I will soon get anothe internet key, so hopefully we can talk. take care and keep us updated. Your house will be BELLA!!!!!!!! A big kiss from Angela ma and pa! Give my love to your folks as well. Lovve you. Angela.
