Monday, August 1, 2011

1974 Karmann Ghia

It occurred to me the other day that I haven't posted any pictures of the the newest addition to the fleet...

Taa Daa!  She's a cutie! 

Needs some work, mostly cosmetic.  The body is in good shape, but she is in need of a paint job!!  The previous owners were going to paint it red (see the tires?).

We aren't sure yet but are thinking either red or black...

We found these growing on the side of the driveway, probably the only plant that will survive this crazy heat!

So far our roses are doing well, a little too well as a matter of fact, I need to cut them back!

 And my puny little fig tree actually has a couple of figs on it!

Stu has gotten into the habit of hanging his wet (sweaty) shirts on our posts when he is done working outside...  when I took this picture, there were so many bees on it, I couldn't believe it!  He said it's because he smells like a flower, I beg to differ.....

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