Saturday, August 13, 2011

Clingmans Dome

Yesterday we took a ride/climb up to Clingmans Dome.  It is the highest mountain in the Smoky Mountain National Park (6,300 feet)!   

It was a beautiful day! 

Our little mountain climber!

Unfortunately, a lot of the hemlock trees in the Smoky's have been attacked by  the hemlock woolly aphid. 

 One of the tour books I read before we left said that the climb up was like a trip to Macy's... Ha! I'm not sure which Macy's he is shopping at ...

But the views were well worth it!

And at that elevation, and in the morning, it was much cooler!

The Appalachian Trail also crosses here.

Akashi, no surprise, was way ahead of us most of the trip up and down...

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