Monday, February 27, 2012

Home Again, Home Again!

So here we are back home again!  After leaving Weston Lake, we went to Bluffton, SC to visit my folks.  A couple of days after we got there Kitty started limping and had a lump on his to the vet.  He was one sick little kitty for a couple of days, but he's back to his normal chatty feisty self. 

We left there Saturday morning and headed back Weston Lake, about 15 minutes outside of Columbia, SC and about 3 1/2 hours away from home.  We had trouble with the Internet (again), and Kitty about drove us nuts, but other than that it was a nice stay.  Being an outdoor cat, he's having a little trouble getting used to life on the bus.

This morning it started raining so we headed home...Home sweet home!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Shake Down Cruise

Or for you non-military folks the Maiden Voyage...

She is all waxed up and ready to go!

Stu's and his hillbilly mirror "the cat".

So here we are at the Weston Lake Recreation Area, if you can read the sign it reads "Victory Starts Here".  This place is run by Fort Jackson...Army.

I guess they knew we were coming...

And here we are all set up...with electric, water, sewer, cable TV and Internet.

Even Kitty was able to get out and explore a little.

The campground has nice looking lakeside cabins...

Weston Lake is man made.

Complete with boat ramp and rentals.

Ducks landing.

A nice (unused) beach, of course it's February...

We've heard this lake is well stocked with fish, but later we found two fishermen with high hopes and empty buckets.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Wooo Hoooo!

We just found out that we are getting another Grand son....Yup, Matt and Laurie are having a boy!  Grandpa Stu x 2!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another New Addition...

We have a new family member...  Meet Kitty (II), he was a stray we got from a friend back in October.  He was a hand full when we first got him, but he is so much better now!

What a cutie!

He's very chatty!

We finally got "The Bus" out of it's shelter and got it to the top of our driveway. 

We may get brave and see if we can get it all the way down someday...

Just a man and his bus...  Stu on the roof scrubbing...shortly after "testing" the electric fence that was running just above the roof.

Our first lunch in "The Bus".

We got the awning out, cleaned and up out of the way, a little too late for me (ouch).

Looking good!

For the past two days we have been waxing, waxing, waxing, with more to come...