Monday, February 27, 2012

Home Again, Home Again!

So here we are back home again!  After leaving Weston Lake, we went to Bluffton, SC to visit my folks.  A couple of days after we got there Kitty started limping and had a lump on his to the vet.  He was one sick little kitty for a couple of days, but he's back to his normal chatty feisty self. 

We left there Saturday morning and headed back Weston Lake, about 15 minutes outside of Columbia, SC and about 3 1/2 hours away from home.  We had trouble with the Internet (again), and Kitty about drove us nuts, but other than that it was a nice stay.  Being an outdoor cat, he's having a little trouble getting used to life on the bus.

This morning it started raining so we headed home...Home sweet home!

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