Saturday, February 4, 2012

Another New Addition...

We have a new family member...  Meet Kitty (II), he was a stray we got from a friend back in October.  He was a hand full when we first got him, but he is so much better now!

What a cutie!

He's very chatty!

We finally got "The Bus" out of it's shelter and got it to the top of our driveway. 

We may get brave and see if we can get it all the way down someday...

Just a man and his bus...  Stu on the roof scrubbing...shortly after "testing" the electric fence that was running just above the roof.

Our first lunch in "The Bus".

We got the awning out, cleaned and up out of the way, a little too late for me (ouch).

Looking good!

For the past two days we have been waxing, waxing, waxing, with more to come...

1 comment:

  1. Wow!!!!!! A road house!!!!! Love you, Angie.
